As a man, your life have different departments that must be driven by goals setting if you want to succeed in life because failure to set goals in one area of your life can affect the other areas of your life negatively if you are not careful the way you are living your life. I want you to know that God is interested in all area of your life, he does not wants you to succeed in one area and fail in other areas, that is why you must make sure you practically apply goal setting proven and timeless principles to every aspect of your life in achieving all round success. It is so important to power every aspect of your life with goal setting, so that you can become a total man whose successes cut across every compartment of your being. Therefore, i will be sharing with you in this article, some areas you need to set goals and sustain your life success till eternity. These are the following areas you need to apply the principles of goal setting and they are: 1. Your Spiritual Life: ...