Many of us manufacture our own unhappiness, of course not all unhappiness is self-created, for social conditions are responsible for not a few of our woes. Yet it is a fact that to a large extent by our thoughts and attitudes we distill out of the ingredients of life either happiness or unhappiness for ourselves."four people out of five are not as happy as they can be" declares an eminent authority, and he adds,"unhappiness is the most common state of mind". Whether human happiness strikes as low a level as this, I would hesitate to say, but I do find more people living unhappy lives than I would care to compute. Since a fundamental desire of every human being is for that state of existence called happiness, something should be done about it. Happiness is achievable and the process for obtaining it is not complicated. Anyone who desire it, who wills it, and who learns and applies the right formula may become a happy person.It is a pity, too, for there are so many problems created by life itself that dilute our happiness that it is indeed most foolish to distill further unhappiness within your own mind. How foolish to manufacture personal unhappiness to add to all the other difficulties over which you have little or no control!Rather than to emphasize the manner in which people manufacture their own unhappiness, let us proceed to the formula for putting an end to this misery - producing process. Suffice it to say that we manufacture our own unhappiness by thinking unhappy thought, by the attitudes which we habitually take, such as the negative feeling that everything is going to turn out badly, or that other people are getting what they do not deserve and we are failing to get what we do deserve.Our unhappiness is further distilled by saturating the consciousness with feelings of resentment, ill will, and hate. The unhappiness - producing process always makes important use of the ingredients of fear and worry. Each of these matters is dealt with elsewhere. We merely want to make the point at the present time and stress it forcefully that a very large proportion of the unhappiness of the average individual is self-manufactured. How, then, may we proceed to produce not unhappiness but happiness?Our happiness or unhappiness depends to an important degree upon the habit of mind we cultivate. That collection of wise sayings, the book of proverbs, tells us that "he that is of a merry heart hath a continual feast" (prov. 15:15). In other words, cultivate the merry heart;that is, develop the happiness habit, and life will become a continual feast, which is to say you can enjoy life everyday. Out of the happiness habit comes a happy life.And because we can cultivate a habit, we therefore havethe power to create our own happiness.The happiness habit is developed by simply practicing happy thinking. Make a mental list of happy thoughts and pass them through your mind several times every day. If an unhappiness thought should enter your mind, immediately stop, consciously eject it, and pass substitute a happiness thought. Every morning before arising, lie relaxed in bed and deliberately drop happy thoughts into your conscious mind. Let a series of pictures pass across your mind of each happy experience you expect to have during the day. Savor their joy. Such thoughts will help cause events to turn out that way. Do not affirm that things will not go well that day. By merely saying that, you can actually help to make it so. You will draw to yourself every factor, large and small, that will contribute to unhappy conditions. As a result, you will find yourself asking, "why does everything go badly for me? What is the matter with everything?" the reason can be directly traced to the manner in which you begin the day in your thoughts. Of course in order to give power to these principles of happiness and make them work it is necessary to support them with a dynamic quality of mind. You are not likely to secure effective results even with spiritual principles without spiritual power. When one experiences a dynamic spiritual change inwardly, success with happiness - producing ideas becomes extraordinarilyeasy. If you begin to use spiritual principles, however awkwardly, you will gradually experience spiritual power inwardly. I can assure you that this will give you the greatest surge of happiness you have ever known. It will stay with you, too, as long asyou live a God-centered life.If happiness is determined by our thoughts, it is necessary to drive off the thoughts which make for depression and discouragement.This can be done first by simply determining to do it ; second, by utilizing an easily employed technique. This is the secret of happiness. All else is secondary. Get this experience andyou're got real, unalloyed happiness, the best the world offers. Don't miss it whatever you do in this life, for this is it. Everywhere in this country today are groups of people who have found the happy way. If we can have even one such group in every city, town, and hamlet, we can change the life of this country within a very short time..


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